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4 Steps to Successful Employee Onboarding for MSPs

As MSPs have had to transition remote and hybrid workplace environments, employee onboarding for MSPs has become more important and challenging. IT onboarding is equally as important as HR onboarding (maybe even more so)!

When it comes to successfully getting a new team member onboard, the expertise of IT professionals is needed to take them through the setup process and get them up and running as soon as possible.

Here are 4 recommended steps to ensure employee onboarding is a smooth transition for everyone:

Step 1: Gather Information

  • Coordinate with the hiring manager to collect information to help prep the IT setup such as name, contact details, job titles, departments, starting date, etc. (to help with a smooth onboarding on the first day try to gather the required information well ahead of the employee’s start date)
  • Determine which hardware, software, tools, and access rights the employee needs including company email, internal messaging, productivity tools, and applications
  • Get the necessary approvals to set up new company accounts and invite the employee to join them with corresponding setup guidelines

Step 2: Hardware Delivery and Setup

  • List the IT hardware that the employee requires and identify the location for delivery and set up (if a remote location prepare equipment delivery to arrive on or before the employee’s start date)
  • Physical setup – have a designated workstation or laptop, including all required peripherals such as keyboards and monitors, ready and waiting
  • Remote setup – ensure that the employee has access to a high-speed internet connection

Step 3: Account Setup and Software Installation

  • Create company user ID (username and password)
  • Setup and configuration of mail account (email address and password)
  • Familiarize new user with the Global Address List and company directory
  • Email setup ( including email signature)
  • Access to the intranet, company website, social media sites
  • Access to cloud storage
  • Ensure all required software is installed and updated before the start
  • Provide access to all software and any cloud-based software systems the company uses
  • Provide access to network shares
  • Telephone code and phone setup (voice mailbox)
  • Mail set up on mobile device/smartphone (if applicable)

Step 4: First Day Review

  • Initial user ID password reset.
  • Ensure they have access to the employee handbook and sign applicable policy agreements.
  • Check to see if all software and/or hardware configurations are properly installed.
  • Provide access and instructions on necessary training for using the tool during the onboarding
  • Explain how to reach out if they have any technical issues.

A smooth onboarding process sets new employees up for success. Set your MSP up for success with automation! Schedule a demo or sign up for a free trial to see how Rocketship for Autotask can automate your calendars, escalations and ticket assignments, allowing you to focus on what really matters – helping your clients, not micromanaging tickets.



In this webinar, Dustin Puryear, Autotask expert and MSP industry veteran, will show you how to set up Kanban boards in Autotask, integrate them with your workflow rules, and how to get the most out of them.

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