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First Available vs Sticky Escalations

The Escalation Engine can assign tickets to users via a First Available or Sticky Escalation policy.

First Available Escalations

First Available Escalations are where the Escalation Engine will identify the next tier that should own a ticket (whether via a Dispatch or Escalation) and then run a competition between all available users in that tier to determine which user should be assigned the ticket.

Sticky Escalalations

There are times you want the same Autotask user to get a ticket from one of your customers. For example, you may want the same user to get all new tickets in helpdesk so that they can consolidate their work when working through items related to the customer in a single phone call.

Sticky Escalations work like this:

  • You enable the Sticky Escalation policy on a per-Escalation Rule basis
  • You define how far back we will look. By default, we will look back 60 minutes.
  • If a ticket is sent to the Escalation Engine where this policy is enabled, it will try to find the last resource at the desired tier that was assigned a ticket for the same company. If found, it will assign a new ticket to that same resource.
  • If a user is not found that matches the criteria, the Escalation Engine will default back to a First Available escalation policy.

Configuring Sticky Escalations

  1. Log into the Admin Portal
  2. Click on an Escalation Rule where you want the policy applied
  3. Set Sticky Escalations to Enabled
  4. Click Save

You can do this on none, some, or all of your Escalation Rules.

Note, by default Sticky Escalations are disabled.

An Escalation Rule where Sticky Escalations are disabled.
An Escalation Rule where Sticky Escalations are disabled
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In this webinar, Dustin Puryear, Autotask expert and MSP industry veteran, will show you how to set up Kanban boards in Autotask, integrate them with your workflow rules, and how to get the most out of them.

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