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Effective Strategies for Autotask Ticket Reminders and Auto-Closure

Striking a balance is crucial in reminding customers about responding to an Autotask ticket. It is important to ensure timely resolution without annoying or overwhelming the customer with constant reminders.

When should I send a reminder?

A general guideline could be to send a gentle reminder after 24-48 hours of no response. If there is still no reply after the first reminder, you can consider sending a second reminder after another 24-48 hours. However, it’s essential to consider the urgency and nature of the ticket. If it’s a critical issue or time-sensitive matter, you may need to adjust your reminders accordingly and follow up more frequently.

Should I send daily reminders?

Some helpdesks will send automated daily reminders. I actually don’t like this. Over-communicating can train customers to ignore emails from a helpdesk. Instead, you should be strategic about when your helpdesk sends an email. For this use case, my recommendation would be:

  • When the question/note goes to the customer.
  • When the auto-close process begins.
  • When the auto-close process completes.

When should I auto-close a ticket due to non-response?

I have an entire blog on the topic of when and how to auto-close tickets due to customer non-response. In general, 3 business days time to warrant the start of an auto-close process. It’s important to communicate with the customer, even if they aren’t responding, that an auto-close process has started. That is, don’t just close the ticket.

How should I handle urgent/critical tickets?

Ultimately, it’s crucial to maintain clear and open communication with your customers, ensuring they are aware of the ticket’s status and any updates. For urgent tickets, auto-closing them may create bad feelings on the side of the customer. However, I’d argue that a non-responsive customers, especially if they are non-responsive for multiple days, doesn’t actually consider a ticket to be “high priority.”


In this webinar, Dustin Puryear, Autotask expert and MSP industry veteran, will show you how to set up Kanban boards in Autotask, integrate them with your workflow rules, and how to get the most out of them.

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